In my last post I was stressing over how I wanted to handle my Stats 1 & 2 classes. By the end of the weekend, I had decided to do the weekend college accelerated classes and just get them out of the way. I was waiting to talk to my math instructor. I wanted his opinion on the courses and any feedback he may have had on the instructor.
Unfortunately, this add'l information just threw me back into complete confusion. Stats is going to be harder than I first anticipated. I don't think so much in the applictaion of the math, but in the theory and analysis behind the math. Now I am back to my original dilemna of just taking it in the normal 15 week class, three hours one night a week, or doing it in the four hours on a Saturday in ten weeks. Either way it is going to be alot of work and stress. If I only take one additional class in the Fall for the normal semester, I may actually be able to handle the workload. And I would really like to be able to cross the two courses off my list.
The biggest question, and the one I always stumble over, is "Will I be able to take the courses as I am planning and succeed with the grade I want"? Successful completion of the course, with preferrably an A but no less than a B, is of optimum importance to me. I am giving myself one more week to make a decision. By next weekend I will have my fall schedule decided.