Well, I started my accelerated Hybrid course tonight. I have never taken an online course before so I thought starting out with a Hybrid would be a good way to evaluate if I have what it takes to complete a full online course. This course combines face to face classroom learning with online learning. The course requires 4 or 5 mandatory in classroom sessions. The other sessions are optional in classroom attendance and mandatory online participation. I think the hardest part of this course for me is going to be the posting on line. Because it is an accelerated course, it will be completed in 10 weeks. Therefore a "normal" week consists of five days. This means Saturday may not be the first day of the week (as class is on Friday) but could be the fifth day of the week. My time management skills are going to be severly tested.
Other than that, the course sounds very interesting and has the potential to be fun. The best part is, it fulfills my Phys Ed requirement for my Associates at MCCC, but also fulfills the culture requirement at Albright,

if I decide to continue my Bachelor's through them. Always looking for ways to gain the credits in less time.
Well, wish me luck.
Happy Learning
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