Friday, February 9, 2007

Helpful tips for adults returning to school

Hi everyone.

I can't believe a week has gone by already.

I have a link I want to share. It was actually given to me by one of my instructors. There are some great tips for adults who are going back to school, or thinking of going back. I wish I had seen this befiore I started in August. It would have made the transition to co-ed a little bit easier.

I have found, after 6 months being back, that it does get easier. And getting into the swing of classes and homework really isn't so bad. So, if you are just back this semester, don't let frustration get the better of you. You will find your feet, then discover it isnt so hard to begin the walk toward accomplishing your goal;soon you'll be running.

Here's the link. I hope you find it useful.

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