Cutting class is an event every student looks forward to doing. I have to admit, I never did it when I was younger. I was always afraid of getting caught, either by school officials or my mom.
Well, I have joined the thousands of class cutters out there. I blew off my Friday night class this week. I had a family emergency earlier in the week which led to an emotional roller coaster, work was extremly busy and the 61 grown up "kids" I work with all decided to through a tantrum at various times. I was exhausted and just didn't feel like driving up to school. Luckily the class is an on-line/classroom course and attendance at every in-class meeting is not mandatory. Still, I wonder what I missed with questions and answers being exchanged. I know I missed the expanation of next weeks homework, which is a two to three page paper. The writing isn't a problem, it is the research I am afraid of.
Oh well! I guess the saying "crime never pays" is really true.
I am off to start my research,

Wish me Luck!