Sunday, April 29, 2007


In my last post I was stressing over how I wanted to handle my Stats 1 & 2 classes. By the end of the weekend, I had decided to do the weekend college accelerated classes and just get them out of the way. I was waiting to talk to my math instructor. I wanted his opinion on the courses and any feedback he may have had on the instructor.

Unfortunately, this add'l information just threw me back into complete confusion. Stats is going to be harder than I first anticipated. I don't think so much in the applictaion of the math, but in the theory and analysis behind the math. Now I am back to my original dilemna of just taking it in the normal 15 week class, three hours one night a week, or doing it in the four hours on a Saturday in ten weeks. Either way it is going to be alot of work and stress. If I only take one additional class in the Fall for the normal semester, I may actually be able to handle the workload. And I would really like to be able to cross the two courses off my list.

The biggest question, and the one I always stumble over, is "Will I be able to take the courses as I am planning and succeed with the grade I want"? Successful completion of the course, with preferrably an A but no less than a B, is of optimum importance to me. I am giving myself one more week to make a decision. By next weekend I will have my fall schedule decided.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Decisions, decisions, decisions

I can't believe it is time to decide on fall courses. The spring semester is barely over and already registration for the fall is filling up. I need to take my Stats 1 and 2 classes, but I am having trouble deciding if I want to do it in two, ten week, Saturday classes and be finished by mid February or take one each semester for the normal 15 weeks. If I do the Saturday classes, I could then take an add'l course in the fall on Monday or Tuesday night (or possibly take a course each night if they are not to intense) and then two night classes in the spring. The up side is this would complete an add'l course between the two semesters and get me that much closer to my degree. The down side is whether I want to put that much stress on myself, especially as it is my daughters senior year in High School. I know there will be many activities, including college visits, that will require time.

Fortunately, I have a small bit of time before the decision has to be made. And I know, once I make up my mind there will be no holding back.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Support and encouragement

For weeks I have been sharing my challenges associated with going back to school. I have tried to offer advice, as I have been faced with various situations, give guidance on where to look for classes and offer ideas and suggestions on how to choose courses.

The one thing that I have failed to mention, and is the most important factor, at least for me, that has kept me going through the challenge of returning to school, is the love and support of "T", my life partner.

Without his support, his understanding (especially when homework needs to be completed and plans have to be cancelled to study for a test) his encouragement, his ear when I am frustrated or worried about a test, his extreme patience when I express my self doubt and inability (quite vocally) to complete something with a good grade, and then wind up pulling out the A, I would not still be continuing on towards my degree.

"T" is my greatest supporter. He encourages me at every turn. He has confidence in my abilities and reminds me at every opportunity that I can accomplish everything I put my mind to.

This post is dedicated to him. My life, my world, my love - Thank you!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Online versus Classroom

Computer vs Classroom

Well, I have my first experience with an online course. Actually, it is an on-line/classroom hybrid. Classroom attendance is not mandatory but participation online through Blackboard is.

I have to admit, I like the classroom learning experience better. I am finding it difficult to gather the energy to go to class. Maybe because it is on a Friday night and after a full work week and two night classes, I am just beat. The class itself is very interesting and the material is presented with a new insight into food and how different cultures affect the way we eat.

I think I will stick to classroom classes. I am not saying that online is bad, just for me I need that interaction with the instructor and other students.

Good luck in your quest to find what works best for you.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cutting Class

Cutting class is an event every student looks forward to doing. I have to admit, I never did it when I was younger. I was always afraid of getting caught, either by school officials or my mom.

Well, I have joined the thousands of class cutters out there. I blew off my Friday night class this week. I had a family emergency earlier in the week which led to an emotional roller coaster, work was extremly busy and the 61 grown up "kids" I work with all decided to through a tantrum at various times. I was exhausted and just didn't feel like driving up to school. Luckily the class is an on-line/classroom course and attendance at every in-class meeting is not mandatory. Still, I wonder what I missed with questions and answers being exchanged. I know I missed the expanation of next weeks homework, which is a two to three page paper. The writing isn't a problem, it is the research I am afraid of.

Oh well! I guess the saying "crime never pays" is really true.

I am off to start my research,

Wish me Luck!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Intro to Online

Well, I started my accelerated Hybrid course tonight. I have never taken an online course before so I thought starting out with a Hybrid would be a good way to evaluate if I have what it takes to complete a full online course. This course combines face to face classroom learning with online learning. The course requires 4 or 5 mandatory in classroom sessions. The other sessions are optional in classroom attendance and mandatory online participation. I think the hardest part of this course for me is going to be the posting on line. Because it is an accelerated course, it will be completed in 10 weeks. Therefore a "normal" week consists of five days. This means Saturday may not be the first day of the week (as class is on Friday) but could be the fifth day of the week. My time management skills are going to be severly tested.

Other than that, the course sounds very interesting and has the potential to be fun. The best part is, it fulfills my Phys Ed requirement for my Associates at MCCC, but also fulfills the culture requirement at Albright, if I decide to continue my Bachelor's through them. Always looking for ways to gain the credits in less time.

Well, wish me luck.

Happy Learning

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Back to School

Well Spring break is over and our chaotic schedules start once again.

I hope you have given some thought to taking a summer course. There are many to choose from at MCCC and the option to go at night is a great advantage. Although the two sessions a week are long, they afford the option of completing a course without disrupting a daytime work schedule.

My next dilemna is whether I am going to take an accelerated History class. It starts June 13 and runs through Aug 15th or so. I have two hesitations; the first is I will miss one class (in a ten week course, this is alot of time to miss) and be out of town for a full week, putting my classwork and homework behind. The second hesitation is that for about four weeks, the history course will run concurrent with my math class. I am concerned the schedule will be grueling. It all comes down to how determined I am to complete my degree before the end of 2009.

I will keep you posted as to my decision.

Welcome back and happy studying